Feng Ai
Chemistry Teacher (Y9)
Feng Ai
Feng Ai
Chemistry Teacher (Y9)
- Master of Development and Education Psychology, Peking University
- Bachelor of Polymer Material and Engineering, Zhejiang University
- Taught as a teacher from 2015
Alex Li
AP English Language Teacher, English Teacher (Y12)
Alex Li
Alex Li
AP English Language Teacher, English Teacher (Y12)

- Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Instructional Technology, University of South Florida

- M. Ed. in TESOL, University of South Florida

- Worked as the ESOL instructor and academic writing consultant at the University of South Florida

Joe Zhou
General English Teacher (Y10)
Joe Zhou
Joe Zhou
General English Teacher (Y10)

- Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language, University of Central Oklahoma

- Master of Arts in Marketing, Texas A&M University

- Certificate of Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test

- Teaching experience since 2013

Jasper Yang
Philosophy and Symbolic Logic Teacher, School Counsellor
Jasper Yang
Jasper Yang
Philosophy and Symbolic Logic Teacher, School Counsellor
- Master of Arts in Philosophy, Columbia University
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Colgate University

- Teaching Certification from USA

- Working at HFI since 2022

Vicky Zhou
Chinese Literature Teacher (Y9 & 10)
Vicky Zhou
Vicky Zhou
Chinese Literature Teacher (Y9 & 10)
- Master of Education in Chinese Education (International), Shanghai International Studies University

- Bachelor’s Degree in Chinese Education (International) in Guangzhou University

Effy Zhang
Chinese Literature Teacher (Y11 & 12)
Effy Zhang
Effy Zhang
Chinese Literature Teacher (Y11 & 12)
- PhD in Chinese Language and Literature, Hanyang University, Korea
- Taught as a teacher in Wenshan University in 2018

Academic Paper:

- Research on Diplomatic Records of the Ming Dynasty-Chosun Dynasty Based on LDA Model—— Centering around “The Annals of the Chosun Dynasty” and “The Annals of the Ming Dynasty”

- Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature Based on Text Analysis and Deep Learning

Elicia Yu
Physics Teacher (Y10)
Elicia Yu
Elicia Yu
Physics Teacher (Y10)

- Master’s Degree in Theoretical Physics, Sichuan University

- 12 years of Physics teaching experience

- Guided students to attend international Physics competition including Physics Bowl, ASOP(Australia), BPHO(UK)

- Teaching experience since 2009

Derek Schneider
AP World History, AP Art History
Derek Schneider
Derek Schneider
AP World History, AP Art History

- Bachelor of Arts in Broad Field Social Studies, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

- TEFL certification

- Teaching experience since 2014

- Experienced AP teacher
