




1. 通过文献阅读和学术讨论对网络上各种与流量相关的活动有一个理论基础,分成如下几个大方向进行讨论:





2. 周末(主要是假期,根据同学们的实际情况和考试时间安排)去一些网红聚集地进行实地采访和观察,从微观角度出发挖掘其日常生活中屏幕外不为人知的一面,锻炼社员问卷调查,团队合作,和与人协商交往的能力。同时,可以与其他社团进行合作,比如TV社,用视频的方式记录实践过程。


·社长:雷蕾 Teddy

·副社长:彭子茜Stephanie 蔡安荞 Erica




雷蕾 Teddy,彭子茜Stephanie,蔡安荞 Erica,邱诗桐Tiffany,刘源源 Nellie,张雨晴 Christina,邵怡然 Elaina,姚青林 Maria,熊子琦 Cecilia,钟明卉 Briana,梁馨月 Ocean,尹赫姝 Eva,杨钧婷 Jessie,吴卓仪 Wendy


1. 小组presentation

在8月-10月的时间,社团定出了主要的讨论方向并定下了四个主题,以及负责人,进行分组学习和准备给社团其他成员带来presentation。因此在11-12月份期间,各小组已经轮番上阵 为其他社员们展示了自己的学习成果,主要通过线上的形式展开,集中在周末和圣诞假期 (因为周中的会议时间比较难以调和),同学们所展示出学习的广度和深度都令大家受益匪浅,共同学习,共同进步。

From August to October, club members acquainted with each other and discuss the overall objectives and goals for the whole year, determined four topics we gonna study this year, and four group leaders responsible for each one, starting group learning and preparing for the presentation. Our discussion and conference basically are online and concentrate in weekends and the Christmas Holiday because it is really hard to coordinate time for each club members. And our four groups all showed their learning results at least one during this period and their depth and width in learning really astonish me. I believe everyone learns something from sharing knowledge with each other and progress together.

2. 双11数据收集整理


According to the plan drawn up in our summary from August to October, the association conducted data analysis on the new sales mode, brand, web celebrity and platform traffic fluctuations and changes in this year's Double 11. The charts and data were mainly extracted from authoritative news media and a small number of academic papers.As we are busy in the final exam, we are expected to write a data analysis report together next semester.

3. 周末 线下网红基地体验 (11.21)


After talking with the company that has web celebrity business, the company allowed us to visit, and the professionals reveal how web celebrity works to make profits to the company rather than traditional selling method.We also experienced a day at web celebrity, and interviewed several anchors to learn about their salary, incentive system, their schedule and life, as well as their views on the new retail model as executives.


1. 创建公众号

2. 依旧主要以group learning+ presentation的形式展开社团活动,增加社团展开活动的频率,一周1-2次 (1-2h)

3. 进行一些更深入的挖掘和研究,


4. 进行一些校内的大型活动
