学生社团 | 二十四节气观鸟笔记










Birding notes are an essential part of birding activities. Taking notes at the end of each birding activity is often the best process for review and re-learning. Long-term, voluminous birding notes are not only a record of personal experience, but also a testimony of growing competence. A large number of accumulated birding notes can reflect the characteristics and patterns of bird life behaviors such as foraging, courtship, migration, etc., and help birdwatchers gain a deeper understanding of birds.


Living in the city, surrounded by reinforced concrete forests, nature seems far away from us. In our constant search for a connection with nature, we found that although the blue water and green mountains are hard to find, the birds soaring in the vast sky are easy to see.

Birds are boundless and are nature's best messengers. Throughout the year, with twenty-four solar terms, migratory birds come and go, back and forth, making us think about the relationship between climate, environment and birds. Little birds may vote for the ecological environment with their lives, and where the environment is good, they will go to roost and feed.

There was such a girl, she used the city under her feet as a base and began a long exploration and observation for more than a year. From coastal wetlands, to urban parks, from rice fields and orchards, to rural mountains and forests, despite the heavy academic work, despite the epidemic, she still squeezed out precious time, overcome many difficulties, resolutely went to nature, and became the most faithful and sincere recorders.

In her opinion, whenever you know a bird, it has a name in your heart, and it is no longer an ordinary "bird", but an important friend for you. The more familiar you are with them, the more you know that they are fragile; the more you know about them, the more you feel that birds are not easy to live and feel pity. She unconsciously have an extra responsibility on her shoulders - to protect birds and protect our common home.

At present, she makes use of her expertise in Chinese painting of flowers and birds, combines bird protection with traditional painting art, and pours her heart and soul into forming 24 bird-watching painting notes, using the paintings as an exhibition to publicize bird protection and transmit traditional culture.

To protect birds, the strength of individuals is far from enough, one more bird watcher, one more person who cares about nature. To this end, our Nature Observation Society held a unique popular science painting exhibition for her, sharing her bird-watching notes on the 24 solar terms with everyone, hoping that more people would understand birds, and then spontaneously love birds and love nature.

In this city, a story of a girl, a group of nature-loving HFI students and flying feathers, continues...



展览时间:2023年5月16日 - 6月4日



Exhibition time: May 16 - June 4, 2023

Curated by: HFI-NOS

Exhibition Venue: The Lobby of HFI Building

立春 - 红嘴相思鸟

Beginning of Spring · Red-billed Leiothri

雨水 - 鸳鸯

Rain Water · Mandarin Duck

惊蛰 - 黑枕黄鹂

Awakening of Insects · Black-naped Oriole

春分 - 雀鹰

Spring Equinox · Eurasian Sparrowhawk

清明 - 棕腹大仙鹟

Pure Brightness · Fujian Niltava

谷雨 - 戴胜

Grain Rain · Common Hoopoe

立夏 - 白喉林鹟

Beginning of Summer · Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher

小满 - 仙八色鸫

Grain Buds · Fairy Pitta

芒种 - 棕背伯劳

Grain in Ear · Long-tailed Shrike

夏至 - 画眉

Summer Solstice · Hwamei

小暑 - 黑喉噪鹛

Minor Heat · Black-throated Laughingthrush

大暑 - 斑姬啄木鸟

Major Heat · Speckled Piculet

立秋 - 褐翅鸦鹃

Beginning of Autumn · Greater Coucal

处暑 - 蓝喉蜂虎

End of Heat · Blue-throated Bee-eater

白露 - 黑眉拟啄木鸟

White Dew · Chinese Barbet

秋分 - 红喉歌鸲

Autumn Equinox · Siberian Rubythroat

寒露 - 红头长尾山雀

Cold Dew · Black-throated Bushtit

霜降 - 鹗

Frost’s Descent · Western Osprey

立冬 - 白鹇

Beginning of Winter · Silver Pheasant

小雪 - 大滨鹬

Minor Snow · Great Knot

大雪 - 白腰杓鹬

Major Snow · Eurasian Curlew

冬至 - 白琵鹭

Winter Solstice · Eurasian Spoonbill

小寒 - 青头潜鸭

Minor Cold · Baer's Pochard

大寒 - 红脚隼

Major Cold · Amur Falcon


文字 Writing:刘名修Laetitia 胡畔Louis

画作 Painting:刘名修Laetitia

排版 Typesetting:胡畔Louis


——转载自 HFI NOS社公众号
