Elicia Yu
Physics Teacher (Y10)
Elicia Yu
Elicia Yu
Physics Teacher (Y10)

- Master’s Degree in Theoretical Physics, Sichuan University

- 12 years of Physics teaching experience

- Guided students to attend international Physics competition including Physics Bowl, ASOP(Australia), BPHO(UK)

- Teaching experience since 2009

Dolores Zhang
General English Teacher (Y9)
Dolores Zhang
Dolores Zhang
General English Teacher (Y9)

- M.S.Ed in TESOL, University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education

- Worked as a teacher in Riverdale Country School, US

- CELTA certification

- American Teacher Certification (in progress)

Lillian Li
Biology Teacher (Y9 & 10)
Lillian Li
Lillian Li
Biology Teacher (Y9 & 10)

- Master’s Degree in Life Science,Beijing Normal University Member of Guangzhou Teaching and Research Office Biology Center

- Awarded Distinguished Contribution to Gaokao, Excellent Teacher title, etc.

- Involved in writing and editing Senior High School Biology course book

- Teaching experience since 2005

- Working in HFI since 2015

Susan Chen
Math Teacher (Y10)
Susan Chen
Susan Chen
Math Teacher (Y10)

- Master’s Degree in Mathematics Competition, South China Normal University

- Member of The National Elementary Mathematical Society

- Teaching experience since 2006

- Working in HFI since 2015

Harky Li
Dean of Students / PE Teacher
Harky Li
Harky Li
Dean of Students / PE Teacher
- Bachelor of Physical Education, Guangzhou Sport University
- Licensed Referee for football, basketball, volleyball, Ping-pong, and athletics
- Teaching experience since 2008
- Working in HFI since 2012
Rachel Li
Chemistry Teacher (Y10)
Rachel Li
Rachel Li
Chemistry Teacher (Y10)

- Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry Education, Hunan Jishou University

- Certificate of Senior High School Teacher

- 18 years of Chemistry teaching experience

- Researches in AP Chemistry teaching, experienced AP Chemistry teacher and SATII trainer

- Working in HFI since 2010

Yoee Yang
English teacher (Y10 ECC), Head of Language Centre
Yoee Yang
Yoee Yang
English teacher (Y10 ECC), Head of Language Centre

- Master’s Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, University of Bath

- Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

- TESOL Certificate

- Working in HFI since 2015

Wendy He
English Teacher (Y11)
Wendy He
Wendy He
English Teacher (Y11)

- Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, University of Bristol

- Bachelor’s Degree in English Teaching, Southwest China University

- TESOL Certificate

- Working in HFI since 2014
