Sijie Liu
AP Chemistry Teacher
Sijie Liu
Sijie Liu
AP Chemistry Teacher
- Master of Chemistry from Oxford University, Trinity College
- Edexcel Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) tutor
- UK Chemistry Olympiads (UKChO) and Chemistry Canada Chime (CCC) tutor
- Taught as a teacher from 2017 and experienced AP teacher

Feng Ai
Chemistry Teacher (Y9)
Feng Ai
Feng Ai
Chemistry Teacher (Y9)
- Master of Development and Education Psychology, Peking University
- Bachelor of Polymer Material and Engineering, Zhejiang University
- Taught as a teacher from 2015
Joel Benavidez
AP Biology, AP Environmental Science Teacher
Joel Benavidez
Joel Benavidez
AP Biology, AP Environmental Science Teacher

- Bachelor of Science in Biology for Teachers, Philippine Normal University

- IBDP Certified Biology Teacher

- Taught as a Biology Teacher in Manila since 2008
Jenny Ge
Head of Math & Science dept. Calculus BC and Advanced Calculus Teacher
Jenny Ge
Jenny Ge
Head of Math & Science dept. Calculus BC and Advanced Calculus Teacher

- Master of Accounting, Grand Valley State University

- Bachelor of Science in Math Education, Liaoning Normal University

- Taught as a Math teacher in Shanghai and Guangzhou for 20 years

Roland Forson
AP Calculus AB & BC Teacher
Roland Forson
Roland Forson
AP Calculus AB & BC Teacher

- PhD in Graph Theory, Zhejiang Gongshang University

- MSc in Applied Mathematics, Zhejiang Normal University

- Master in Education in Mathematics Education, Rhodes University

- Postgraduate certificate in Education in Teaching Methodology in Mathematics

- Taught as a Math teacher since 2008

- Member, South Africa Council of Educators (SACE)

- Reviewer, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology

Erin Ma
AP Physics Teacher
Erin Ma
Erin Ma
AP Physics Teacher

- PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware

- Bachelor of Science in Polymer Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University

- Taught as a Physicas teacher since 2015

Yolanda Guan
AP Statistics Teacher
Yolanda Guan
Yolanda Guan
AP Statistics Teacher

- Master of Actuarial Statistics, Australian National University

- Bachelor of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Beijing Normal University

- Teaching Math in Beijing and Guangzhou since 2012

- Math competition Instructor

Bharati Hirani
AP Computer Science A Teacher
Bharati Hirani
Bharati Hirani
AP Computer Science A Teacher

- Master of Computer Management in Computer Science, Management and Technology from Institute of Business Administration & Research (IBMR)

- Bachelor of Commerce in Economics, Marketing & Advertising, Indira College of Commerce & Science

- Teaching Computer Programming since 2012 and AP Computer Science since 2017
